Kaka Club Agent Vip Reward

agent vip reward car
Agent Gold Diamond, Kaka Club
Agent Gold bar, Kaka club
agent nothing phone reward
Agent gold ring, Kaka club
Gold earning, kaka club
Agent Consolation Prize, Kakaclub

Became an Kaka club agent reward up to 66000$.

Grand Prize
भव्य पुरस्कार
🔅6,000 Invites – Mercedes-Benz A-Class Limousine Price ± 55,00,000 – (USDT 66,881)

1st Prize
प्रथम पुरस्कार
🔅2,000 Invites – Diamond Jewelry Price ± 15,00,000 – (USDT 41,000)

2nd Prize
दूसरा पुरस्कार
🔅500 Invites – Gold + Diamond Jewelry worth of Price ± 5,00,000 – (USDT 11,400)

3rd Prize
तीसरा पुरस्कार
🔅200 Invites – Gold Bar 999.9 worth Price ± 2,00,000 – (USDT 4568)

4th prize
चौथा पुरस्कार
🔅150 invites – Gold Necklace 999.9 Price ± 1,00,000 – (USDT 1825)

5th Prize
5वाँ पुरस्कार
🔅100 Invites – Gold Bracelet 999.9  Price ± 50,000 – (USDT 910)

6th Prize
छठा पुरस्कार
🔅75 Invites – Nothing Phone 256GB worth of Price ± 30,000 – (USDT 365)

7th Prize
सातवाँ पुरस्कार
🔅50 Invites – Gold Ring 999.9 Price ± 20.000 – (USDT 270)

8th Prize
आठवां पुरस्कार
🔅30 Invites – Gold Earrings 999.9
Price ± 10,000 – (USDT 180)

9th prize
9वां पुरस्कार
🔅20 Invites – Consolation Prize Price ± 5000 – (USDT 45)

Vip agent event, Kaka club, kakaclub agent

Disclaimer of Kaka Club Agent :- 

Eligible Kaka Club agent must have telegram number to connect customer service for register on the post to be activated to participate in this event.

Winner calculation is based on how many  kaka club agents are able to bring active member for a period of 2 months form 1 March to 30 April 2024.

Kaka games has the right to reject the prize winner if during the process. It is found cheating in any form to take advantage of this special event.